Asia Try Campaign
Published on: June 22, 2017

The Asia Try campaign is a continuous campaign organized by persons with disabilities across Asia. The goal of the campaign is to accelerate a barrier free society for persons with disabilities and to highlight their right for inclusion in all aspects of life. Nepal hosted the Asia Try campaign on 9-12th March, 2016, and the inauguration was led by Vice President of Nepal honourable Nanda Bahadur Pun.
Over 200 persons with severe and profound disabilities and their personal attendants divided themselves into five groups to spread the campaign across Kathmandu and its four surrounding districts. Among the campaign participants were international guests from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Cambodia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and India.
Ganesh KC, the President of the Independent Living Center-Kathmandu, was the secretariat of Asia Try in Nepal. Mr KC, along with the staff at CIL-Kathmandu played a large role in organising participants to march and distribute pamphlets and appeal papers. There were also speeches delivered stressing the barriers experienced by people with disabilities across Nepal on the roads, foot paths, in public toilets, public buildings and with services and facilities.
The Asia Try campaign highlights the importance of breaking barriers in order to allow full and effective participation of persons with disabilities in society.