Virtual Training/Interaction on Disability and Human Rights
Published on: September 12, 2020

This organization Center for Independent Living of Persons with Disabilities, Kathmandu (CIL-Kathmandu), National Indigenous Disability Woman Association Nepal (NIDWAN), and NASLI- Nepal National Association of the Sign Language Interpreter jointly and also with coordination with the National disability Journalist Association Nepal Kathmandu, Disability Development Forum Bajang, Disability Women Association Rupandehi, ReCed Thanahu Disability Human rights Forum Nuwakhot, Rural Disability Concern Centre Dhanusha and Disability Development Association Udahayapur have been conducting Disability and Human Rights related webinar training and interaction twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday at 12.30 pm with different sessions
By this unprecedented situation created by the COVID-19 virus outbreak, people are confined into their homes, however, the main objective of this training and interaction is to reach people who are living outside the cities and are in the remote and rural places and to enlighten them about disability and the various dimension of human rights. From 2077/3/25 (July 9, 2020) this training and interaction have been continually conducted every Tuesday and Thursday and from the 15th session, it is done once a week every Tuesday at 12:30 pm. From this training /interaction, many people have been benefited who are interested to know about disability and have assisted them a lot to know about disability and disability-related human right issues. The responses from the participants have been overwhelming and full of enthusiasm. In this training long discussion is done on various dimensions and diversity related to disability. And all organizers have come to the consensus to continue this online training for the next six months.