Advocacy meeting with Tokha Municipality
Published on: June 15, 2022

On June 8, 2022 delegates from CIL-Kathmandu met Murari Tamang, newly elected Deputy Mayor of Tokha Municipality advocating for accessible and disability-friendly Infrastructure handing over the memorandum letter. Mr. Murari Tamang, the deputy mayor of the municipality, joined the meeting within the parking ground, again due to the inaccessible structure of the Municipality office. The deputy mayor seemed concerned about the issues raised in the memorandum. Moreover, since the areas like social welfare, disability, etc are under the responsibility of the deputy mayor, he acknowledged the inaccessibility prevalent in the infrastructures and buildings. The new building of the municipality was under construction. So with the confirmation of engineers, he assured delegates that the building is designed in a disabled-friendly manner. The meeting was concluded after handing over the memorandum and photo session.