Awareness Program on disability for the College Students
Published on: May 6, 2022

CIL Kathmandu conducted an orientation program on awareness program on concepts, issues and rights of Persons with Disabilities for the college students of Orchid International College on introduction to disability and the major concerns of people living with it. The session was held in collaboration with Orchid International College at the college premise on 6th of May, 2022. The program was conducted under the support of ministry of women, children and senior citizens, as a part of broadening the awareness and removing the conceptual barriers concerning disability. Mr. Anush Subedi, from the institution coordinated for the session which was facilitated by MR Ganesh KC: Secretary General, and Krishna Dahal and Yabesh Adhikari from CIL. Around 50 students from social work and business studies faculties attended the 2-hour long program. The presentation comprised an interactive communication on the concept of disability, its definition, types and levels. There were also video presentation for raising sensitivity of the students, regarding the concerns and challenges of persons with disabilities. The presentation also included the possible roles to be played by every sectors to develop an inclusive society friendly and accessible for the persons with disabilities. The information about the history and activities of CIL Kathmandu was briefed to the attendees. The interested students were also heartily invited to explore, learn and even voluntarily work in the organization. Similarly, Activities were also conducted to practically sensitize the participants. The first activity was an experience of holding the white cane and exploring the scenario with the eyes closed, the second activity was to explore the surrounding handling and navigating the wheel chair, sitting on it. Finally, the participants were oriented on the perspectives and approaches of disability, barriers and challenges as well as the legislative and policy-based provisions to address those challenges. Following the questions & answers session, the program was concluded with the final remarks from the facilitator, college representative and the student participating in the orientation.