Guidance on Earthquake Preparedness for People with Disabilities
Published on: June 12, 2017

Independent Living Center for Persons with Disabilities- Kathmandu Seeks Advice from the National Society of Earthquake Technology to Provide Persons with Disabilities Guidance on Earthquake Preparedness.
With Nepal still recovering from the devastation of the April 2015 earthquake and its aftershocks, people are on high alert for future earthquakes and are becoming increasingly aware that preparedness is the best approach to reducing potential risk. While there is much information available for the general public on earthquake preparedness, the requirements for persons with disabilities can be considerably different, and require extra steps and specific tailoring.
CIL-Kathmandu has worked with the experts in disaster risk management, NSET (National Society for Earthquake Technology), to produce a series of resources for persons with disabilities to help them prepare for the risk of future earthquakes.
These resources provide guides covering off areas such as; how to prepare for an earthquake, how to prepare your home for an earthquake, and what to do during and after an earthquake. They also offer tailored advice for a variety of disabilities, taking into consideration the broad scope of needs.
To download, visit the resources page on the CIL-Kathmandu website.