Orientation Program with stakeholders regarding disability-inclusive justice system
Published on: December 21, 2023

On the 29th of November 2023, a one-day orientation program with stakeholders regarding the disability-inclusive justice system was conducted in Hardik Hotel, Kathmandu. Around 30 stakeholders from the justice committee of different municipalities of Kathmandu, Nepal Police- District Police Range Khatnamdu- Women, Children and Senior Citizen Service Center, Cyber Bureau, Nepal Bar Association, representatives/advocates from district, province, special and central government attorney office, and constitutional bodies like National Huaman Rights Commission, National Inclusion Commission, were present. The program was facilitated by the disability rights activists Mrs. Nirmala Dhital, Mrs. Anita Ghimire, and Mr. Ganesh K.C. regarding different laws related to Persons with disabilities their implementation part, and reach to the justice system. After the orientation, they showed commitment to making the justice system more inclusive for persons with disabilities in their respective sectors.