Review and Orientation Meeting to fortify Disability Inclusive Political and Electoral Process ahead_CFLI
Published on: March 2, 2023

On 29th of January 2023, a One-day “Review/reflection, and Orientation Meeting to fortify Disability Inclusive Political and Electoral Process ahead” was conducted under the support of Canadian Funds for Local Initiatives (CFLI) to empower and educate the stakeholders within the disability movement in promoting intervening representation and dignified access in political and electoral processes/ practices and strategies were developed for future to mainstream the marginalized groups including women, Dalits, Indigenous, Madhesi, etc. within disability based on the reflection and review of the project achievements and impact. Making the event more impactful chief guest Hr. Laxmi Ghimire was present in the program to show her solidarity in promoting the inclusion of Persons with disabilities in the political arena. Also, different guests representing different sectors of Disability were present.
In the first session, the facilitator oriented the participants on prevailing barriers and challenges to political/electoral inclusion of Persons with disabilities and provided recommendations on the future role and responsibilities of the stakeholders in expanding the access not only to recommend electoral candidates but to ensure visible and rightful representation of Persons with Disabilities in parliament as a lawmaker. In the next session, a group discussion was conducted to develop strategies and action plans to promote the access and inclusion of Persons with Disabilities and marginalized sectors within it for the electoral and political practices as the political parties did not recommend experienced and deserving Persons with Disabilities candidates to be the Peoples representative.
Around 40 participants with more than 50% female were present. The participants joining the previous activities of the project like orientation, training, and advocacy have been prioritized and shared they have been, further enhanced in their understanding of prevailing barriers, and empowered with proper knowledge and skills to advocate for political and electoral inclusion of PWDs for the future, equipped with clear plans and strategies to work ahead in promoting political and electoral access of PWDs along with further disadvantaged communities within disability.
In the end, the attendees showed their solidarity in future activities to further promote the political and overall rights of Persons with Disabilities. And the program was formally ended with thanking remarks by the president of the CIL-Kathmandu