Capacity Enhancement program for Parents of Persons with Disabilities
Published on: July 17, 2022

On July 3, 2022, a program on capacity enhancement for Parents of Persons with Disabilities was organized by CIL Kathmandu for the primary caregiver and parents of persons with profound and severe disabilities. This program was organized at Shital Chautari restaurant, Baneshwor, Kathmandu. In this program total of 35 participants were present.
In the first session disability campaigner and hygiene and therapy expert Devkumari Parajuli talked about the strength, attitude, positive viewpoint, contribution, and role of the primary caregiver in the lifestyle of Persons with Disabilities. In the second session, President of the Parents Federation of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (PFPID) legal expert Mukundahari Dahal discuss legal provisions and policies related to Persons with Disabilities.
In the third session disability activist and Member-Secretary of the National Disabled Fund, Anita Ghimire shared the provisions regarding facilities, primary health, education, and opportunities provided for persons with disabilities, which are on paper but have challenges in implementation.
At last Ganesh K.C general secretary of CIL-Kathmandu talked about concept, Independent Living, assistive devices, and services for Persons with Disabilities. And the program was ended by the commitment to cooperation and continuous contact with each other.