Orientation on Capacity Builiding of Persons with Disabilites
Published on: July 20, 2022

CIL Kathmandu held an orientation program on July 4, 2022, for persons with severe disabilities. The program was organized to edify the participants on important issues, provisions, and services offered to persons with disabilities. The program also helped boost the motivational aspects and personal well-being of the individuals participating.
The program was conducted at Shital Chautari Restaurant, Baneshwar. Around 35 people with severe disabilities attended the event facilitated by disability rights experts and campaigners. The program was organized under the support of Kathmandu metropolitan city for the residents of Kathmandu metropolis.
The first session, facilitated by disability rights activist and general secretary of CIL, Mr. Ganesh KC, focused on the rights of PWDs and the major documents of disability rights including the UNCRPD. He shared the knowledge of the historical background, importance, and relevance/applicability of CRPD to the present context of Nepal. Similarly, the ensuing session that was facilitated by Mrs. Anita Ghimire, the member-secretary of the national disabled fund, emphasized the services/facilities entitled to persons with disabilities.
Dev Kumari Parajuli, disability campaigner and physiotherapy expert guided the attendees on maintaining physical and mental well-being and remaining motivated despite disability in life in her session. The final sitting was a motivational orientation on activeness and social contribution through the activities like sports. President of CIL Kathmandu, Mr. Tek Bahadur Gurung shared his experience and knowledge on the importance of sports and physical and mental well-being as well as social and national contribution via sporting activities.
All the sessions were followed by group discussions and interactions with experts’ responses to the doubts and queries of the participants. The participants were pleased with the activities and knowledge shared in the sittings and were committed to enhancing their life further henceforth.