यो पृष्ठमा सीआईएल काठमाडौेँका बिभिन्न सुचना तथा समाचारहरूको सँग्रहित गरिएको छ।

One-day orientation organized for the potential candidates with disabilities in the upcoming election
September 14, 2022
An orientation program was organized by the Center for Independent Living with Persons with Disabilities, Kathmandu (CIL-Kathmandu) under the support of Canadian Funds for local Initiative-CFLI on 6 September 2022
पुरा पढ्नुहोस्
Inauguration ceremony of Orientation Program by DHOM Canada
September 14, 2022
To promote the electoral candidacy for the upcoming provincial and federal level elections, an orientation program was organized on 6 September 2022
पुरा पढ्नुहोस्
Advocacy meeting with a political party to promote the disability-inclusive electoral candidacy
September 13, 2022
An advocacy meeting was held with the president of Rashtriya Prajatantra Party (RPP) Mr. Rajendra Lingden, to lobby for disability-inclusive candidacy provisions
पुरा पढ्नुहोस्
Consultation Meeting on Position Paper Development and Finalization
September 12, 2022
On August 31, CIL-Kathmandu organized a consultation meeting on the development and finalization of a position paper
पुरा पढ्नुहोस्
Dissemination meeting on Manifesto review
August 28, 2022
On August 21, CIL-Kathmandu hosted a discussion and dissemination meeting on the review of electoral manifestos of major political parties from a disability-inclusive perspective.
पुरा पढ्नुहोस्