
यो पृष्ठमा सीआईएल काठमाडौेँका बिभिन्न सुचना तथा समाचारहरूको सँग्रहित गरिएको छ।

Around 15 people are sitting in the Square table setup in a hall

Consultation meeting on review of previous electoral manifestos

August 24, 2022

On 17th August, CIL Kathmandu hosted a discussion on reviewing the previous electoral manifestos of major political parties from a disability-inclusive perspective.

पुरा पढ्नुहोस्
20 peoples including representatives from OPDs are standing in two row for photo

Network building and consultation meeting with OPDs for Disability Inclusive Electoral Candidacy

August 23, 2022

On August 14, CIL Kathmandu conducted a consultation meeting under the project of promoting the electoral candidacy of persons with disabilities, including the women and marginalized groups within the disability

पुरा पढ्नुहोस्
President of CIL-Kathmandu along with president of NFDN is handing over the memorandum to Chief Election Commissioner

Consultation Meeting with Election Commission Nepal

August 16, 2022

A consultation meeting with the chief election commissioner was held under the leadership of CIL Kathmandu at the office of the election commission on the 11th of August.

पुरा पढ्नुहोस्
around 25 people seated in the hall with the presener infront

Orientation on Capacity Builiding of Persons with Disabilites

July 20, 2022

CIL Kathmandu held an orientation program on July 4, 2022, for persons with severe disabilities. The program was organized to edify the participants on important issues, provisions,

पुरा पढ्नुहोस्
Facilitator taking session infront of participants in round table setup

Capacity Enhancement program for Parents of Persons with Disabilities

July 17, 2022

On July 3, 2022, a program on capacity enhancement for Parents of Persons with Disabilities was organized by CIL Kathmandu for the primary caregiver and parents of persons with profound and severe disabilities.

पुरा पढ्नुहोस्